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Senin, 16 November 2009


Founded by Henry Dolnet in 1880, it seems began produce saxophones around in 1888.
Mr. Dolnet founded his factory with other two partners Mr.Pigis and Lefevre; Company was in Mantes, 30 miles around from Paris, this town will be the historic location of most important wind musical instruments makers in France.
In fact Dolnet instruments had many similarities with other wind musical instruments made in France, as building technique, as for easy mechanics and with normal imperfections for sax of this age.
In a first saxophones production, just about early known models of early XIX century (…We haven’t exact serial numbers for Dolnet), about that we can call as
“SERIES I” (1930/’35 – ’40 ? _ From 0 to 12xx?), the model design it seems very similar to “SML” or particularly to “COUESNON”, especially for arrangement and aspect of Keys.
However in this time Dolnet sax production is not prevailing on other instruments; maybe it didn’t make more of 500 saxophones a year.
“SERIES II” Models (ca. 1940-’50?_ from 12xx ca. to 34xxx/42xxx ca.):
These models introduced characteristic hexagonal ArtDeco’ key-guards and a simple brace to junction between Body and Bell.
Frequently you can see beautiful floral bell engravings.
“BEL AIR” SERIES or “IMPERIAL” (1950 ca. – ’70 ca._ from 34xxx/42xxx to 80xxx):
They went to determine design/technique characteristics seen on previous model and improvements; it was introduced the typical Brace with a “diamond” Artdecò design between Body and Bell.
On key and also on key-guards we find frequently
mother of pearls, action and key arrangements is very similar to Selmer models of the age, with a quick, fluid mechanics and a very easy sound emission especially on low range in B-Bb couple.
“Bel Air” it seems came from any rare models of the series engraved with this name.
Any time it can find the inscription “Imperial”, but the Dolnet logo shows always the brand inscription inside a small flag.
Any models of this series was called “Royal Jazz”, it has a characteristic microtuner on neck visible on alto-tenor saxophones (similar to Conn alto models of the age).
Very famous is a photo of 40’s of Lester Young playing a Dolnet “bel air” Tenor ; in fact like other French wind instruments Dolnet saxophones were very appreciated by Us jazz players.

“M70” Models (ca. 1970 – ‘80_from 80xxx to 00000 ca.):
These models have the trade name M70 near serial numbers.
It was really a perfected model similar to previous “bel air” especially with a more rounded, ergonomics keys-group G#-C#-B-Bb, easier for left hand action.
The cane and bell dimensions remembered another previous models of the age like Buffet “superdynaction” or Buescher “Top Hat and Cane”).
M70 name maybe it meant open new series of 70’s Dolnet saxophones.
“UNIVERSAL” Models (1980 ca- ‘84_ from 00000 to 01xxx ca.):
It’s the last Dolnet saxophone made.
It seems a modern version of M70, but no modified.
We don’t know exactly when has been produced the last Dolnet sax , probably at the half of 80’s.
However Dolnet saxophones became to be produced (similar to “bel air” models) under other brands as “Jean Cartier”, “Le Chambre” or “Jules Revan”.

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