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Senin, 23 November 2009

Romeo Orsi

Prof. Romeo Orsi (1843-1918) was born in Como, and he came young in the Royal Conservatory of Milan, where he got a Diploma just when he was 20. His career began in this way, at the Theatre "alla Scala" in Milan, as a concertist, where he first became Assistant Principal, then himself President. Moreover he was nominated Clarinet Teacher at Royal Conservatory of Milan. Orsi invented the double-tonality Clarinet which had a great success, and, thanks to several orders of this instrument, he joined Paolo Maino's modest factory giving birth to Maino & Orsi factory.

The happy activity of Orsi solved the problem of reducing all wind instruments from old to "diapason" or normal tuning fork; the War Minister entrusted this arrangement to him for militar bands instruments. In 1881, during the competition proclaimed by the War Minister, among all Italian manufacturers, in order to establish precisely the sample of every instrument to rearrange opportunely the Royal Army Bands, all the samples presented by Orsi factory were destined for the competitions and private tenders by the Technical Office. Since that time the House, become a Prof. Romeo Orsi' s exclusive property for some time, continued to widen.

For the special instruments of their works, Masters Mascagni, Puccini, Leoncavallo, Giordano, Montemezzi, Giuseppe Verdi and many others applied to Prof. Orsi' s industrial-artistic capacities, to whom, then, they always expressed their best recognizations.


… produces the most complete range of wind instruments, following the construction principles of the great Italian traditional craftsmanship, of which "Prof. Romeo ORSI" represents an outstanding example.

Today, the founder's traditional craftsmanship lives together with the new construction technologies of its masters craftsmen.

The factory still keeps a copy of every wind instrument created and produced by his craftsmen during over 140 years of its fashinating history, along with their constructive plans and diagrams. This makes Prof. Romeo ORSI be the only one in the world today to produce any kind of wind instruments of its unique and vaste collection, including hundreds of models.

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