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Senin, 16 November 2009

SML (Strasser-Marigaux-Lemaire)

SML Company was established in Jan 1935 by 3 partners: Charles Strasser Swiss business man, Mr.Marigaux a wind musical instrument maker already worker at Buffet-Crampon, Mr.Lemaire a clarinets maker.
Saxophones production probably started only after 1935.
In a first time company is known especially for his oboes, after also for saxophones, flutes and bassoons.
At top of his productivity SML could made around 500 instruments for month, but usually from 100 to 400.
It seems produced only Altos, Tenors, Bari models, then no soprano or bass saxophones.
Company ended his sax production in 1982, except for “KING Marigaux” models made since ’86 for Us brand KING; maybe his activity ended just for incapacity to compete with Selmer.
Beyond “STANDARD” Models basic instruments for students , SML is well known for any professional saxophones.
It can’t be know exactly serial number list of SML production, but dividing around for periods or basing also on models seen/known, it can be indicate:
“REV. A” (from 0 to 46xx ca.)_ Early model, similar to 30’s saxophones of other brands; Bell-keys are on left side.
They were made only Altos and probably Tenors.
Maybe these models were made also with building differences among them, really it depended by different craftsmen that made saxophones.
In fact often it’s possible see differences about Bell dimensions or key mechanics.
“REV. B” (from 46xx to 6xxx ca.)_ Bell-keys now are on right side, remarkable also the introduction of “Rolled Tone Holes”.
“Coleman Hawkins Models” (from 3xxx to 6xxx?)_ Very similar to Rev.B, this model was made just for the most important testimonial Coleman Hawkins, it was available in two versions: 1 made after Rev.A models, the other after the Rev.B .
Any of these saxophones shows beautiful elaborated engravings with inscription “Coleman Hawkins” in big letters.
Also “C.Hawkins” saxophones had rolled tone holes and sometime a lightly oversize Bell.
“SUPER or Transitional” model (from 55xx to 73xx ca.)_
There’re at least 3 different versions with name “Super” engraved on the bell.
This saxophone is an evolution of Rev.B, maybe is worthy of note a better ergonomic for fingering of G#-C#-B-Bb notes group.
“REV. C” (from 73xx to 83xx ca.)_ Similar to previous models, anytime small improvements.
“REV.D” (from 83xx to 156xx ca.)_ The final evolution of Rev.B/C, with improvements especially on Keys totally handmade, also on screws in hardned steel, all characteristics could be found in following years.
“GOLD MEDAL or MkI” (from 156xx to 202xx ca.)_
The best expression of SML saxophones.
It’s possible find any “Gold medal” Alto already with serial nr. 15xxx.
Gold Medal model was advertised for his technical solutions not possible to find on Us saxophones:
Neck with a locking improved mechanism;
First quality hardened steel Screws;
totally handmade Keys;
more anatomic mother of pearl buttons;
reinforced Key-cups Rim.
Rolled tone holes;
Larger bore Bell.
It seems around serial nr. 18xxx any of these peculiarities couldn’t be.
It was called “Gold Medal” because these saxophones won just a gold medal at the International Music Festival in Netherlands in second-half of 50’s.
“GOLD MEDAL II or MkII” and “KING-Marigaux” (from 202xx to 27xxx ca.)_
It’s an evolution of Gold Medal I , it was the same saxophone made since 1986 for KING-Usa ; But there’s a small decline in quality regards previous model for more poor materials and sound quality lower even if it’s always high.
Remarkable is the “rolled tone holes” missing with the elaborated bell engravings now with a normal logo too.
The Sound of “Gold Medal” models generally was of dark timbre, this characteristic certainly for his complicated, jointed mechanics that made saxophone heavy.

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